
This is my “Grow Like a Vine” Spread

If you’re like me, you want to learn everything and have all skills and try to pursue all things at once. I made this spread to help focus in on just one skill or trait to develop at a time. The idea is that when you have a baby plant, it requires more care and attention to survive and grows very quickly when it is well cared for. Once it’s fairly strong, then it’s time to let it grow at its own steady pace along with all the other things you’re working on and move on to the next until your garden of skills is happily and peacefully growing.

1. What skill/trait should you focus on? This is your seedling.

2. How should you approach this? Do I plant from seed? Do I take a cutting and propagate? Is there a class I can take? Should I make a schedule and work on this for ten minutes a day? Is it a more passive trait that I need to work on through metacognition all day?

3. What do you need to set yourself up for success? Plants need to be set up in the right conditions to thrive. They need to be placed where they get the right amount of sunlight and the right humidity. They need the right soil. What conditions do you need to set for yourself to thrive?

4. What is the outcome/what will this help you reach? I won’t call this the “end result” because your vine should keep growing and reach further and further. What does this skill/trait help you reach if you nurture it?

storenvy | instagram | ko-fi

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